
Hi Everyone, For those who don’t know me, I’m a technology nut who also is probably one of the most frugal people you’ll meet in terms of when to buy something. I am on a constant hunt for the best times to buy, the best deals, and the best alternatives to items you may need. The internet is filled with store fronts and I’ve decided to lend myself out to others who are looking for the best deal! So check out my services below, my services are free to use but I will only be taking so many requests at a time. So feel free to shoot me a message on Twitter or fill out the contact form below!

Find me a deal!

Need help finding a deal on something? Looking for the best solution to a problem or just the latest console? Let me help you out with a solution. I will search the internet for you and give you list of options to best suit your needs. Check out a recent deal I helped a friend out with.


Build Me A PC / Find Me a PC Part

Being a Dad of 3 Boys and a Wife who games, I’ve had a very hard time setting each of them up with Gaming PC’s that are both functional and will last for some time. But I’ve been able to build each one with limited budget for each. Let me help you do the same. From a $500 Gaming PC to a $2,000 Gaming PC. Let me find the parts or Pre-built best for you.